Democrats in Crisis

Mary Anna Mancuso
4 min readOct 27, 2021
Illustrated | BirdHunter591:iStock, Asya_mix:iStock, Eriklam:iStock

There is a crisis in Florida and the Florida Democrats are at the epicenter of it. From fumbling on messaging/party identity to losing Congressional seats in 2020, the Florida Democrats are now staring down the barrel of a bleak future with voters in the Sunshine State.

For years, Florida Democrats have enjoyed a sizable advantage in their voter registration rate over Republicans. Nevertheless, the Democrats have experienced…



Mary Anna Mancuso

#PoliticalAnalyst | Spokesperson: RepublicEn | Contributor: The Hill Opinion | Fitness Enthusiast 🏋🏻‍♀️ | Dog Mom🐾 | Repped by: @UnitedTalent